I didn’t grow up hunting, but when I got in my 20’s, I started deer hunting and turkey hunting. Now I’m an avid huntress for whatever is in season. I’m always telling my daughters about all the great aspects of hunting, but want them to decide for themselves if it’s something they want to participate in.
This past fall my daughter, Ashley, and I went dove hunting. She opted to take a camera instead of a gun. We had a great time and both got some good shots, hers with a Sony, mine with a Browning. What this little excursion did for her was ignite a spark. She decided she wanted to take her hunter’s safety course and go deer hunting in the upcoming season and she’s also looking forward to spring turkey season.
This is a great example of how living what you say can make a difference in other people’s lives, but until they get out there and feel it for themselves, it’s hard to totally explain. Ashley may not live to hunt and fish like I do, that’s not what’s important. What is important to me is that they get out and experience as much of life as they can grab a hold of.
Well, I've been wrestling with this whole hunting idea. I just took a Women on Target clinic at our local Rod and Gun Club and I loved it. LOVED it! I had no idea how much I'd love it but I did. So then I signed up for another, more intense pistol course that is 18 hours (all day Sat. & Sun. which unfortunately means missing church). I'm excited about it anyway.
ReplyDeleteIt's a pistol/home defense class. My dh travels a good bit so I'm home alone with our three children. We have a security system but I want more than just that. I mean, what if someone broke in? Then what? So the alarm is blaring and what do I do then? Crawl under the covers? No way!
So I'm researching 9mm pistols (I've already just purchased my first firearm, a Browning Buck Mark 22 pistol which I want for target practice). I need to have my pistol that I want to use for self defense by the time I go to the pistol class the first weekend in June.
I don't want to write a book but that leads me to the next question. I grew up with hunters and I'm not opposed to hunting but I don't know if I want to hunt. I like the idea of the skill involved and being in the great outdoors. I LOVE being outside! However, I'm an avid birdwatcher and I don't know that I want to kill birds. I guess I'll have to keep wrestling with the whole notion...